I may not have given the answer that you find acceptable but I think I'm less close-minded than anyone on this site so far. I care about what's true. I try to have as many true beliefs as possible and as few false beliefs as possible.
DNA is a molecule that mutates over many generations. Ignoring all the details, such as natural selection, this is the simple answer to how it became as complex as it is today.
If DNA is too complicated to arise naturally, then how did something complicated enough to design DNA arise? I agree that much of the complexity of the natural world gives the appearance of design but it may not have been designed. Look at completely redundant vestigial features in some animals, e.g. blind cave fish or the laryngial nerve of a giraffe.
Even if we determined that all life had indeed been designed, how do you get from there to your particular God? The Bible contains no scientific predictions.
You drank poison you say and lived to tell the tale? Wow. What poison was it? How much did you drink?
The problem of residing in ones own doubt.
The universe is 100% hostile. The only slightly neutral place is our planet.
Our planet has some very odd coincidences. These are so odd and so specific without which life could not exist,
you have to say 99% they allowed life to exist. At what point do these have to exist before one admits this is
a created world, a construction and not just interaction between forces?
Imagine equally God exists but we hate Him. Why would we want to acknowledge anything about creation?
On the other hand if God was like our hearts, just on hearing His name and principles would our hearts warm
to Him? And that for me is the true nature of existence.
Existence is not about acknowledging the truth, but about discovering the creator because we want to.
I found at a young age, after much thought, I wanted something else as an alternative to Jesus, who seemed
singularly restrictive and boring. The difficulty I had, there appears nothing else, literally. And then I discovered
my very heart which I trusted as being ok, would quite happily betray me and send me off on any track as long
as everything stayed safe and as was, so truth and reality were quite happy to be sacrificed on the altar of stability.
As I have grown in Christ, each step has been the same. Another step on, while in the past it seemed so vast
and impossible, yet over time, my life time, each step has been one step further on into glory.
Why should I imagine that which seems so solid, matter but is 99% nothing is more reliable than God and His
word that speaks to every area of my existence and brings me life? I cannot so I bow in praise and worship
to my King, Amen.