It could be argued that basic assumptions around situational ethics are arbitrary. E.g the assumptions that life is preferable to death, pleasure is preferable to pain, health is preferable to disease, freedom is preferable to incarceration, etc. Once we have agreed on those bedrock assumptions, then we can begin to make a scientific assessment of what constitutes mental and physical wellbeing. The secular social sciences have been doing this for years and very often getting good results with proper safeguards. There is an objective optimum wellbeing that can be measured.
When a teenager that we care for does something outrageous, do Christians consult Leviticus about stoning them to death or consult the New Testament about not casting the first stone? Or do they talk to them appropriately, using secular morality, and try to get them to modify their behaviour through reasoned argument and a positive, caring intention and by appealing to their better nature? They usually do the latter because it comes from an understanding about what it is to live in a co-operative society.
It could be argued that "basic assumptions around situational ethics are arbitrary" - Exactly - unless you have some kind of a measuring stick that is truth! (which I have and you don't!

) I will not agree that pleasure is preferable to pain, or that health is preferable to disease, etc. - I absolutely not will agree with your "bedrock assumptions" - How do you come up with them? You are coming up with an "arbitrary optimum wellbeing" that you think can be measured in your own way! How do you know you are right? Maybe Hitlar was right after all and you are wrong?
And what you are saying Christians do to convince their teenagers is another assumption you make which is not how I operate at all with my teenagers.
I think you are being wilfully ignorant here. In theory, professional social scientists could ask the people in their care to rate their happiness and health on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being miserable and sad, 10 being extremely healthy and happy). If they get lots of low scores that indicates they are miserable and sad and this violates the Wellbeing Standard of maximum wellbeing. So then we would need to decide how to massively increase those scores to make the people feel better. Did Slave Masters from Biblical times ask their slaves about their wellbeing when they were beating them? Perhaps they should have done.
Now what kind of accusation is that - accusing me of being "willfully ignorant"?? !! You are judging my motives -- You may do that if you want, it is OK with me - but I prefer just to deal with facts . . .
Not so. There is an objective truth to be discovered about wellbeing. Instinctively, most of us know this. Good parents know this and try to pass it on their children. What kind of society do you want to live in?
Reality is the way the Universe works – best understood by a scientific method.
Truth is reality accurately described using language.
"Reality is the way the Universe works - best understood by a scientific method"
I challenged these assertions earlier, and you seem to have no substance to support them. Now you are just restating them. I will not agree with statements without supporting evidence.
I disagree that the scientific method is the best way - in fact at a different place you admitted that 100% truth cannot be undisputedly found using the scientific method. And you have never answered how we can use human reasoning as a basis when "human reasoning" came about by random processes.
Now here you switch and say "instinctively most of us know" - so are you are suggesting that the "instinct" of the majority (most) is what determines objective truth? What are "good" parents? How do you know what a "good" parent is? My idea of a "good" parent is obviously very different than your idea? Are you right and I am wrong?
What kind of a society do I want to live in? Not one that uses random reasoning and instincts and the "scientific method" and majority rule as a basis for objective truth! But I understand that our society is headed down that pathway, so it means I am living in such an environment - but I will not adopt such standards because I have different standards of objective truth. If it means suffering, prison, sickness, etc - that is much preferable to a life of pleasure, ease, prosperity, and selfishness!
You surely do not have to adopt my standards of objective truth, and you may say you have your own standards of objective truth, but I have not seen you prove it yet . . .