As an outsider to the U.S.A. I notice that much of Christian worship and doctrine is peculiar to America.
And this certainly applies to much of the charismatic Pentecostal churches I have seen on various TV channels and on YouTube.
BUT what you need to experience is Bible obedient disciplined Pentecost worship that is not out of order and preaches sound
doctrine. Fortunately, Australia is home to the largest Bible disciplined Pentecostal church around - no hoo-haa, non-charismatic,
no music based entertainment replacing preaching the word: and the gifts of tongues, interpretation and prophecy all conducted
decently in order according to scripture: !Corinthians 14.
Lucky for you we have an assembly in Fresno, California that also complies with the word of God and conducts itself properly:
feel free to check them out -