Where do you get the idea that a demon can cause someone speaking in tongues to curse Christ by mistake? What do you base that on? Pentecostals do the exact same as was done in the NT. One speaks one interprets. Tongues is to edify the church and glorify God. That has nothing to do with unbelieving Jews.
Now,as to your warning, this is a discussion forum and that is what is done here. I am discussing. If you do not like this you can skip my posts. But I do not take kindly to being warned by anyone but those in authority to do so. Calm down and you present your side and I'll present mine. If we disagree that's fine. It's not the end of the world.
The you viciously Criticised my Study without even thoroughly reading it.
It is in Segment 2, 5th and 6th Paragraph. Paragraph 4 has part of the paragraph before and after the long list of Problems mention in the Corinthian Church is IN THE MIDDLE.
EVERY SINGLE EXAMPLE IN THE BIBLE WITH TONGUES SPEAKING, had Unbelieving Jews HEARING the Mighty Works of GOD. That includes Cornelius's house. The UNBELIEVING JEWS were the JEWISH BELIEVERS that came along with Peter. AT THAT TIME, they did not believe that GOD could save Gentiles, in the same way HE DID JEWS. Remember in the TEMPLE the Gentiles could not go any further into the TEMPLE than the Court of the GENTILES.
Notice the GENTILES has to stand behind that wall where the Mikvahs were lacated.
I am calm, the ONLY REASON that I do not want to debate this is study with YOU, this study was started in the early 80's, when my wife's sister's thought I led her astray, because she used to speaking in tongues, and then SHE HERSELF had the Holy Spirit convince it was all a COUNTERFEIT. Then I had several people want to DEBATE me via LETTERS, and then I got a computer in 1995, one at a time, I put it on three different WEBSITES, and HUNDRED's of people want to debate men. I have been CALLED VICIOUS NAMES because I Did a NON- Charismatic Understanding On Tongues. Even my sister-inlaws YELLED at me across the Dinner Table. I mean the VICIOUS ATTACKS ALWAYS CONTINUED, AND YOURS WAS NOT THE WORSE. I know EVERYTHING YOU WILL SAY want to say, I KNOW YOUR ARGUMENTS BY HEART, because I HAVE HEARD THEM ALL, OVER, and OVER, and OVER , and OVER again. I literally KNOW I have not heard any NEW ARGUMENT IN over 20 years. ALL TRYING TO CONVINCE ME THEY Have the REAL GIFT, and IT IS ONLY A COUNTERFEIT of what the APOSTLES DID. There is NOTHING TO DEBATE, because I believe 100%, the TRUE Gift of Tongues is way the Holy Spirit has had me write it. I am TIRED OF DISCUSSING TONGUES.