I haven't really seen anyone in this thread (who speak of salvation by grace through faith) making any such point ^ .
The point is, that we do not do righteous acts in order to be saved.
The point is, that we do not do righteous acts in order to be saved.
Different individuals hold different views on sin, repentance, confession, restitution etc
Some are desiring to walk like Jesus, one step at a time.
Others have no aspirations and believe this is impossible and just heresy.
Some say no matter how people come to faith, they are saved which cannot be lost.
Their subsequent life style has no bearing on the truth of their faith, or matters.
In these discussions I have yet to meet someone doing good things to be saved.
I have seen people saying we cannot continue in sin and claim to know Jesus.
So we have a great spread of faith positions, polarised by certain individuals into simplistic
I have seen everyone say coming to faith in the cross of the forgiveness of sins is salvation.
It is though apparent some hate a righteous walk, so much as to claim anyone who talks
about such a thing is a "works salvationist". This is just a way of justifying easy believism
as a legitimate position which traditionally the church has rejected as heresy.
So we get people saying the Nazarene church is a godly place, yet if one shares their
doctrines of faith, one is deceived and going to hell.
This is a true disconnect with truth and theology. And it occurs when people have lost
the argument of theology but wish to stir up dissension to get people to see their way is
correct through taking positions and being abusive rather than openly showing where they are.
So I would suggest abuse is the real objective and generating anger and bitterness in people
against others, without any justification, other than the anger and bitterness that dwells within
them. This behaviour has been seen across churches, forums, and unconnected individuals.
So the true antidote is to walk like Jesus and love as He calls us to love.
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