I'm saying they are no worse than a whore monger. I just bothers me more because I would expect an elected leader to have a higher moral standard than some random person we didn't elect. I realize my ideology will never come to pass before Jesus returns that dosn't mean I'll stop thinking or feeling this way.
I know I'm a sinner saved by grace, so is he, so are they so are you. If the lord can forgive them, him and us why can't we. Love and forgiveness are the basics of Christianity. Just examine the lords prayer.
You seem to believe your ideology is on par with Christ and that you'll be vindicated upon his return.
I have to say your position is unbiblical. It is nothing less than political correctness, it isn't Christianity.
You keep saying you forgive sodomites. Do you have a Scripture that shows were to forgive the practiced sin of the world at large? Do you ever even use Scripture? Aren't you also unchurched? Yes, you've stated you don't go to church, there aren't any real ones around you by your own testimony.
But there are real ones, that's the troubling thing because it comments more on you.
The Lord's prayer isn't a cover for sin and that's how you're misusing it.
Bob you really need to just stop, nothing you're teaching is biblical Christianity. It appears that being a social worker has worn a hole through whatever biblical doctrine you've ever embraced. You're not being Christian because there is no offense in your message to the world, no cross, no stumbling block, nothing offensive, it all caters to the flesh and sinners and is frankly apostate. The world will embrace your message showing it to be false.
Lastly we've unfortunately had to deal with social workers due to our son. It wasn't pretty. I thought it was just us, but a simple web search of others dealing with social workers will be rather enlightening and saddening.