FYI; I'm the OP that started this thread. I did it because I was trying to decide weather or not to support or send a dime to christian chat in May last year. I wanted to find out if it was a platform for Christian free speech or just another site full of sheeple. So I asked one of the most controversial questions I could think of to see if it or I would get shut down, supported by the rainbow flag people, or, or... I'm still here paid in full 7 1/2 months later. I'd like to thank all of you who read, reacted or responded it meant more to me than you realize, weather you agree or disagree. Although it's still alive and kickin', there other ways I'd rather spend my time than complain about Gay bashing. Don't be mistaken I'm not surrendering but there other things that might more productive. So That's all from me on this subject I hope. Thank you all for sharing. Too Da Loo calibob.
I would like to make it clear that in regards to the treatment of homosexual tendencies and practices, I do not have your extensive study, training and actual expertise of this, either in a practical approach or a spiritual sense.
From what I have learned about homosexuals in actual study and observation, and from what I gleaned from scripture, that there may be a difference, in some cases, of homosexual practices and deviant sexual practices. Regarding deviant sexual practices, those are absolutely detestable in the eyes of God and are a grievous sin. I believe that no spiritually healthy Christian heterosexual would even consider doing such a thing. I also believe that a true homosexual was wired wrong at birth and therefore, depending on the early formulative environment, through no fault of their own, may be prone to favoring and be attractive to one particular sex that is the same as their own.
I will also state that I don't believe that God condones such a lifestyle but does understand the human condition quite well and does not treat a particular individual harshly in these instances but rather with understanding, mercy and compassion.
In my opinion, unlearned as it is, I believe that true homosexual behavior is a disease and should be treated as such. That does not mean that I would offer counsel and say that there is nothing spiritually wrong with homosexual behavior because I believe that there is. Whether or not it is a grievous sin or not I could not say, however a single sin will keep you out of heaven regardless of the type.
No, God did not create Adam and Steve, and no, they probably should not form a life-long exclusive relationship and union. The thing is, I find it sad as such people would then spend an entire lifetime denied the type of human companionship of that of normal heterosexuals, and to experience love and to be loved. God did say that it is not good to be alone. Yes, the Lord walked with Adam in the garden before Eve was created and yet Adam was still lonely for someone of his own kind. Steve is lonely too and sadly, must live his life in a lonely existence.
I find it interesting that Paul had a thorn in his side, three times he prayed for God to remove. God did not remove the thorn but said that His grace was sufficient. Perhaps Paul had a sin problem as well. Probably a lonely guy too.
May God bless you in your ministry of the least of your brothers and sisters.