The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath. GBU
If people heard our Savior, Jesus, and did according to His teaching they would not feel the impulse to ask us these silly questions…… They do not absorb when Jesus teaches and heals on the Sabbath He said, "My Father is working and so must I."
If any of them are hearing us, it is perfectly alright, even holy, to work on the Sabbath if we must to keep up our responsibilities. If we were living in a theocracy, there would be government help for us not to need to work on the Sabbath.
If these people against the Sabbath did not have their own laws they would not spout being followers of the teaching of Paul yet ignoring when he teaches if a peron ha a good conscience in the sigh tof God in his own practices, he has not sin
That is according to what they say the believe. They say the believe Paul, het when he tells us it is just fine if we have a clear conscience to practice thesse things, no harm to any others, we are under the law? It sounds to me these folks are legalists and under the law, their own fabricated laws.
If we demonstrate how Jesus teaches, they tell us we are under the law, even though we know we cannot be saved in any manner except by the mercy and grace of the Cross.
So, in effect, they are telling us not to obey Paul's teaching, which by the way we do, nor to obey that of Jesus Christ, only obey their man-made doctrines based on more of a vote than on anything from our Father.
I think it bes we continue to obey by the Holy Spirit.............this always includes teh mercy and grace of Jesus Christ, our Salvation