I know instinctively that we are to do so, but can any one point me out an example in Scripture where there is prayer for the unsaved.. for their salvation, or an injunction to pray for the unsaved that they may be saved?
Extra Credit-
For the Arminian...Wouldn't a salvation prayer intefere with the free wiil of the lost?
For the Calvinist... Wouldn't a salvation prayer intefere with God's sovereign choice?
Most Clear Verses So Far:
So far, there have only been two passages pointed out in this thread that specifically answer the question... and even those could be questioned or debated.
1Timothy 2:1-4
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people,
for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.
This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior,
who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
in 1Tm 2:1-4, it doesn't "have to be" interpreted as praying for the salvation of the lost.
It could be interpreted as praying for civil authorities, which give us civil peace, which allow christians to have a peaceful life and environment, in which we can live and preach the gospel to the lost. It could be interpreted this way because the "interecessions" in verse 1 are only connected clearly and directly to the achievement of civil peace found in verse 2. There is no direct or explicit connection between the "intercessions" in verse 1, and the "all people to be saved" in verse 4.
Romans 10:1
Brothers, my heart's desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved.
It could be possible to interpret this as some kind of national turning, or national repentance, and not actually as individual's getting saved and coming to Christ. I'm not trying to start a theology debate, I'm just posting other ways this could be interpreted.
1. I pray for the lost because that is just what is on my heart... it just seems like the right thing to do.
2. I am NOT aware of any perfectly clear and bullet-proof text explicitly saying I SHOULD pray for the lost.... but since there is no verse saying NOT TO, and it seems like the right thing to do... that is what I do.
3. I can even make a case against both Arminians and Calvinists, that it doesn't make theological sense to pray for the lost... but it still seems like the right thing to do.
4. Historically, we have good evidence that all major revivals were first preceded by the continual and devoted prayers of God's people for the lost.
5. I have personal experience of praying for people who eventually, over many years, came to Christ.
6. I have anecdotal evidence of others praying for the lost and experiencing the same outcomes as my personal experiences.
7. Even if my prayer for the lost CHANGES NOTHING FOR THEM... it still CHANGES ME.
My prayers for the lost SOFTEN AND CHANGE MY OWN HEART... interceding and caring for others has a genuine effect on my own heart, and I KNOW that is real.
When we pray for the lost, it may be that it's primary effect is just to align our own hearts with the heart of God.
I'm not really sure.
But I still pray for the lost...
and I still pray for them adamantly.