Be aware that upon joining the Roman Church, you will placed under the jurisdiction of Rome, and be expected to fully comply with everything in the Catechism and in the Code Of Canon Law, plus all of Rome's traditions, and every Bull, every Holy Day of Obligation, every Encyclical plus all of the Sermon On The Mount and everything taught in the epistles of Paul, Peter, James, Jude, and John; along with every ruling of Rome's Church Councils including Nicaea 1 & 2, Constantinople 1 & 2 & 3, Ephesus, Chalcedon, Lateran 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5, Lyons 1 & 2, Vienne, Constance, Florence, Trent, and Vaticans 1 & 2.
In addition, you will be permitted to read the Bible on your own, but will not be allowed to interpret it on your own.
There's also the matter of unforgiven mortal sins. Should you pass away with even one of those kinds of sins on your record; just one, you will go straight to hell with no chance to repent and no stopover in a Purgatory. Even if you've been a faithful and true Catholic for fifty years you will still go to hell for just one unforgiven mortal sin. Your past's sterling performance will not be taken into account.