Why does most Christian music suck so bad? Why does it have to be over produced vapid lyrics simplistic rhyme scheme's and the same three chords over and over and then digital fill sounds? Why? Oh why oh why?
CCM is nothing more than a form of pop intended to have a 'more spiritual' sound, by sounding 'less worldly'. It's designed to appeal to the broadest audience. Since even in mainstream pop when solid musicianship appears it's often buried under the avalanche of mass appeal.
Michael Jackson is a great example. Though not a fan myself, with the internet more people have a broader understanding of musical prowess. More people are better musicians. And as a result more people are aware that buried under all that pop dribble are some truly talented musicians. But, still, most people won't know that, or care.
Modern Christianity is actually well represented by CCM. Shallow, trite, bland, uninspired, tame, safe. Is it really any surprise the music is a reflection of the attitude most prevalent in churches? Branching into the underground or genres outside of CCM is the best place to find more sincere music.