John 10 - Jesus said Himself that he would lay His life down, no one could take it from Him, He could lay it down, and He could take it up again.
He specifically said He had the authority to do so.
only God can say this.
so, you accept this truth, that Jesus was fully God and fully man, or your opinions remain invalid.
He specifically said He had the authority to do so.
only God can say this.
so, you accept this truth, that Jesus was fully God and fully man, or your opinions remain invalid.
This would be like cheating. Any human who was also immortal and a God could do what He did. So in your religion, He didn't do anything special, He didn't risk anything, He wasn't Flesh and Blood as the scriptures say. He was a man only in appearance.
This teaching is "AGAINST CHRIST", the Christ of the Bible. You replaced the human Messiah who risked everything out of Love of us, with a long haired men's hair shampoo model who risked nothing, who had nothing to lose.
I believe the man Jesus, was raised from the dead and given the immortality He had, as the Word of God, that He risked for His People. That is His Great Love for us.
As a God He could become a human and adhere to the Salvation plan He created which says the wages of sin is death. He never sinned as a human, therefore death could not hold Him according to God's Law which He said Lasts forever.
By preaching that He wasn't really a human, but also immortal God as well, you diminish His sacrifice and cheapen His victory.
You don't know this because you don't have the spirit of truth. You don't have the spirit of Truth because you don't really "Believe" in the Messiah described in the Bible. And as the Mainstream Preachers before you, you hate anyone who would love you enough to endure your scorn by showing you His Truth.
So far, God has been proven correct in everything He has inspired to be written. These miracles are a great Faith builder for me and I thank God every day for them.
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