I have been naive my entire life and treat everyone with good will, even one of the kids from our group in elementary school who hated me I was nice to him and gave him the benefit of the doubt. I don't have a hostile bone in my body and sure I got extremely angry at people who may have bullied me but I never knew how to handle it. I mention all of this because it shows that even as a kid, I didn't know how to understand the idea of someone that just isn't a good person.
What brings this subject up would be the other day while working with my father, I came out of the 7-11 earlier than he did and some lady was there pacing back and forth, she quickly commented with "excuse me sir, you wouldn't happen to have a smoke I could get?", I responded no I quit years ago. My hands were full and before I could open the door she said here let me help you with that and while putting stuff in the car she stood right there and asked for some spare change along the lines of she's out of gas and out of smokes etc etc. I said sure and pulled out my wallet with a 5 and two 1's outside of it, I almost gave her the ones then chose to give her the 5 and as I was putting my wallet away she asked if she could have the ones as well. Being an introvert I said sure and gave it to her. I don't care about the two dollars, it's the fact that she put me on the spot to where I had to look like a jerk and keep my money.
This is a very small example and almost meaningless but it got me thinking about how such a thing is completely foreign to me. I mean, I'm sure she is in a place of need and while I've never been in that situation........... it's just her mindset of "well what else can I get out of him" rather than being thankful.
I have sat and talked with homeless people on a number of occasions and have given money to them on several occasions. Just a month ago I sat down with one guy outside of a liquor store because he looked troubled and was sitting by my car. Turn's out he has Parkinson's and having been a tradesman he couldn't make a living any more and lost his job wife family etc. We talked for a while and he just wanted the company, I told him my story and it was a great interaction. He didn't want to use me but wanted a little fellowship. I took a couple cigarettes out of the pack I just bought and gave him the rest of it and gave him ten bucks and said, get something to drink and have a good night. He couldn't be more thankful. (homeless and alcohol is a different topic)
The difference between the two is one saw me as a blessing, the other saw me as a sucker she could con.
This whole concept is one I've been working on as I've been trying to understand how a very important friend from my past is just a piece of garbage. I'd known him since 6 years old and I know his whole story and I love him like a brother. To then say, yeah he's kind of a piece of garbage is where I'm hung up. I wish the best for him but he is a con man and views everyone around him as an asset, he blows up peoples lives left and right (including mine) and he has 5 kids with two women all while being semi-homeless. The past few years I'd only talk to him once or twice a year on the phone and the vile hatred that spewed from his mouth......... I had to tell him I was done. Somehow I still love him and pray for him, but also myself to understand that he has literally no place in my life even if in the smallest way possible.
What brings this subject up would be the other day while working with my father, I came out of the 7-11 earlier than he did and some lady was there pacing back and forth, she quickly commented with "excuse me sir, you wouldn't happen to have a smoke I could get?", I responded no I quit years ago. My hands were full and before I could open the door she said here let me help you with that and while putting stuff in the car she stood right there and asked for some spare change along the lines of she's out of gas and out of smokes etc etc. I said sure and pulled out my wallet with a 5 and two 1's outside of it, I almost gave her the ones then chose to give her the 5 and as I was putting my wallet away she asked if she could have the ones as well. Being an introvert I said sure and gave it to her. I don't care about the two dollars, it's the fact that she put me on the spot to where I had to look like a jerk and keep my money.
This is a very small example and almost meaningless but it got me thinking about how such a thing is completely foreign to me. I mean, I'm sure she is in a place of need and while I've never been in that situation........... it's just her mindset of "well what else can I get out of him" rather than being thankful.
I have sat and talked with homeless people on a number of occasions and have given money to them on several occasions. Just a month ago I sat down with one guy outside of a liquor store because he looked troubled and was sitting by my car. Turn's out he has Parkinson's and having been a tradesman he couldn't make a living any more and lost his job wife family etc. We talked for a while and he just wanted the company, I told him my story and it was a great interaction. He didn't want to use me but wanted a little fellowship. I took a couple cigarettes out of the pack I just bought and gave him the rest of it and gave him ten bucks and said, get something to drink and have a good night. He couldn't be more thankful. (homeless and alcohol is a different topic)
The difference between the two is one saw me as a blessing, the other saw me as a sucker she could con.
This whole concept is one I've been working on as I've been trying to understand how a very important friend from my past is just a piece of garbage. I'd known him since 6 years old and I know his whole story and I love him like a brother. To then say, yeah he's kind of a piece of garbage is where I'm hung up. I wish the best for him but he is a con man and views everyone around him as an asset, he blows up peoples lives left and right (including mine) and he has 5 kids with two women all while being semi-homeless. The past few years I'd only talk to him once or twice a year on the phone and the vile hatred that spewed from his mouth......... I had to tell him I was done. Somehow I still love him and pray for him, but also myself to understand that he has literally no place in my life even if in the smallest way possible.
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