I think some (not all!) of these men have very weak egos, and are threatened by women. Let God take care of it! If women like myself are wrong for following God's call....
You're not following God's calling. God doesn't call women to be pastors. And, I'm not angry nor do I feel threatened by someone who resorts to the most desperate and hysterical arguments to defend their false claims, such as when you assert that Priscilla was a church leader and pastor because Luke, as a gentleman, uses her name is twice before her husband's, in spite of her being a new convert to Christ (which absurdly, you, a Priscillaphile, didn't know, and now irrationally reject) who is never identified as any sort of leader or shown to be engaged in any sort of leadership.
wait, I am following God's call, don't care a bit what some of these annoying and angry men are saying!
I think the one who is angry is you, because you've been totally pwned.
I also think that the KJV is a frequent source of bad doctrine.
The KJV is a great translation. Yes, some people reach wrong conclusions because they misunderstand it. But, the chief source of bad doctrine in the church are liars and lunatics who try to impose their false doctrines onto the Bible.
I just thought I would answer this poll, which basically I said, men should worry about their own backyard. God is quite capable of stopping women if he doesn't want them to preach. And he certainly has never stopped me!
Men should worry about their own backward? There's an argument from the reprobate left, men aren't allowed to have opinions that involve the issue of gender. Whites aren't allowed to have opinions that involve race. The church is my backyard. Who leads the church is an issue in my backyard. And, all desperate and dumb arguments are always open to be refuted, if for no other reason that an interest in Truth.
Yes, God is quite capable of stepping women if he doesn't want them to preach. But, we live in a a fallen world and God tolerates, for now, all sorts of evil. Your argument is as faulty as if a pedophile said God is quite capable of stopping him from molesting boys if he doesn't want boys molested.