Ok?....Ok!....I was making funny! But, seeings how you wanna be serious? What's the oldest "profession" in the world? And, what was, or were the reason/s behind it? Was it for the "love of money?" Was, it this "seemingly" ENDLESS need to shame the man, or men, caught up in their "enchantments?" Is this because that Eve, as stated in the Bible was, and is "still" "beguiled" by the serpent? (beguiled = WHOLLY SEDUCED). And, this "same" serpent is STILL making WAR "against" GOD? As if these "feeble" attempts at degrading, or shaming, or blackmailing a man is going to make a "pimple on a gnats arse" difference TO God? Should He choose to use a "certain" man, or woman, for His purpose?
Don't take me wrongly here. As God HAS used "women" in certain instances. As He used Deborah, Esther, and even Mary, in the forwarding of His Priesthood! Possibly more, but, that's just off the top of my head. Quite possibly, due to a certain "special" strain of "genetic code!" As in Mary's and Sarah's "cases" (if you will). Yet, not at ALL, in Lot's daughters, nor even Noah's wife's (Ham) cases. Nor Hagar's case! Although, a "certain portion" of God's covenant WITH Abraham, was passed ON to "ishmael", more then likely due to Sarah's "will" (or was it REALLY "Sarah's will?" that caused her to "laugh Abraham to scorn, or shame?"

). Which should really show that this WAR against God's Holy Priesthood, has NOT ended!
But? In these days? Nothing has changed from those "days of old!" The beguiler is STILL WARRING against God, and His Holy People! INCLUDING Christian believers! Or, I would be MORE correct in saying that, "society" in general, is seeing SUCH an UPTICK from the "women folk" is TOTALLY got to do with how SHORT the beguilers TIME is? And "he" KNOWS it? Meaning? Men, and women BOTH, SHOULD become "acutely cognizant" of this well hidden fact! And those that are already? Should REMAIN acutely cognizant! The beguilers "best" trick, is his/her convincing people, of its NON-existence!
Now let's "see" that "ugly head" raise up, eh?