I was "Saved" (i.e. was Born again of the Holy Spirit) back in '63. That's when everything changed, and I wasn't suicidal any more, nor hopeless. being indwelled by the Holy Spirit will do that for you, and as frosting on the cake, I didn't smoke any more. I'd burned three packs a day (imagine what THAT would cost in 2023) for about a decade, and the morning after I was saved, I simply wasn't a "Smoker" any more, no withdrawal, no craving - nothing. I didn't QUIT smoking, I just no longer smoked. (more to that story). THAT let me know that things had changed.
Subsequently, In '73, I decided that (since I was a member of the Assemblies of God) that I should look into the "Baptism in the Holy Spirit" as Pentecostals call it.
Since the disciples were INDWELLED by the Holy SPirit in John 20:22, then Acts 2:4 was another breed of cat - referred to by Jesus as "Being Endued (externally clothed) with power. So at an FGBMFI meeting, I was prayed over to receive the "Baptism in the Holy SPirit".
Nothing happened.
About 3 weeks later, however, at another FGBMFI Meeting, during worship, an "odd word" came into my mind, and when I spoke it, there were more "odd words", which kept flowing into my mind as I spoke them. I realized that I was "Speaking in tongues". 58 years later I still do.
But more importantly, I was suddenly moved into an intense period of teaching in Home groups, and sunday school, when I had no ability to speak before a crowd of people, and expound Bible for a couple of hours, several times a week.
SO - my PERSONAL EXPERIENCE is that what's called "the baptism in the Holy Spirit", works exactly how the Bible says it does - gives you an ability to do things that simply weren't possible - before.[/QUOTE
JESUS and John CALLS IT THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT ... so Pentecostals are right !

ACTS 1:5 “for John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.”
“I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.
JOHN 3:11 “I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.
This is exactly correct. Jesus ... same yesterday today and forever. BUT A LOT OF BELIEVERS HAVE BEEN sold a "bill of goods" ... false doctrine ... being, that ACTS 2 ... day of Pentecost ... is the DAY the 120 believers got born again . WRONG ! The disciples were born again ... the evening after Jesus was resurrected = John 20:22. Knowing, the biblical principle of Romans 10:9-10 ... all the 120 in the Upper Room were Born Again BEFORE Pentecost ... they had been confessing Jesus and believing Jesus was rose from the dead for 50 days or so. Pentecost is the 2nd manifestation of HS in a believer's life ! BOB is proof of this FACT ! Tongues is PROOF, that the HOLY SPIRIT was poured upon the 120 at Pentecost ... Peter said it was. Read Acts 2 carefully. What THING did the Jews see ? They were NOT in the upper room with the 120 ... they didn't see the tongues of fire ! We can concluded ... after the HS fell ON the 120 ... they went outside ... excited / animated by HOLY SPIRIT ... speaking in TONGUES. Peter said ... this thing ... tongues.. proves Joel's ( God's ) Promise has been fulfilled ... when ? ... at day of Pentecost.
Read ACTS 2.39 carefully. Peter ... God ... says the PROMISE ( with resulting manifestation of tongues ) is for all afar off ( us today ), but more importantly ... the Promise is FOR ... all who are CALLED. If you're born again ... you are called. Pray Acts 2.39 ... tell God ... you want same Promise ... same manifestation = proof . God is no respecter of persons.