I came to this site last week on the edge of suicide because the weight of guilt and worry about the damage I have done to my family had become unbearable. I hated myself for what I had done and couldn't forgive myself. I would like to leave you with this little bit of advice. If someone comes to this site on edge and asking for help don't be so vicious with them. You might drive them over the edge to suicide. After receiving your message and the one from the other person I had a syringe full of drano up to my arm and almost injected it which would have surely killed me. I know you don't understand how brain chemistry shapes how a person views reality! Bottom line is it was me that hurt my precious Step Granddaughter and it is me that has to live with the incredible pain of knowing I hurt someone so precious to me. All I can do now is hold her and the rest of my family up in prayer as I pay the price for my actions. I don't want to debate this further with you so please don't level any more criticism my way because I am still on edge and can't take much more. Thank you and God bless!
Yup. You said that earlier, but have yet to explain how we judged you. YOU, told us YOU stole the innocence SEVERAL TIMES from a child.
WE, said the Lord can, and will forgive, but you need to stop blaming drugs and "brain chemistry" for this horrific sin/crime. Explain how that's judging you?
Already explained that hating yourself accomplishes nothing except a plea for self pity. If that is you in your pic, it makes the whole matter worse, that you were in law enforcement and perpetrated this crime against a child.
But think about this. IF, you are sticking with brain chemistry being the reason you committed sex acts against a child before, why should you EVER be released? You are going to have the same brain when you get out. You couldn't control yourself as an officer. Why would anyone think you could control yourself again? Because you feel REEEEAAL bad about what you did?
Just so you know, YOU don't get to control what other people say. I WILL pray for you. That you take FULL responsibility with NO "yeah buts" and the THEN the Lord take away your guilty condemnation feelings.