They were even selling pills several years ago made out of human feces. (Sterilized, of course, but EW!) She loved it. Claimed it fixed everything.
There is actually a medical process behind this. I've actually seen, in a patient's chart, a report on a "fecal transplant" which caused me to do a double-take and ask "WHAT?" There are people whose stomach issues are so bad (think the worst diarrhea you've ever had x 10) that they actually completely wipe out their own intestinal flora and all the yogurt in the world won't put the correct mix of bacteria and yeast back in their gut, which means they can't digest foods properly so they become malnourished and remain unable to stop their diarrhea/vomiting, stomach pain etc. So, a sample of someone else's "healthy" fecal matter is introduced into the large bowel and voila!
Back to the original thread: urine is sterile when it leaves the body unless you have a urinary tract infection. Your kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra should be free of bacteria and yeast--which is why we are told to wipe front to back to prevent introducing fecal bacteria into the urethra. Urine is, however, a medium that allows bacterial growth very easily so it doesn't stay sterile for very long once it leaves your system. In the absence of any other type of sterile wound wash, your own fresh urine is probably better than nothing, but you can easily make your own sterile wound wash with water and salt, so unless you are out in the wilderness, alone, pass on the urine!