Again read on and listen to good health advise. I am not overweight, but i know ive gained weight and need to move more. Usuall when pregnant, when we have small kids, when they are a bit grown (and we're on menopause), when we're caring for others (like aging parents) and have less time to care for ourselves, when we turn to food for comfort when we're stressed, lacking in sleep, or just not wanting to waste leftovers... ah, thats a lot of time to gain weight! Some tips i read are to avoid standard kids' food like hotdogs, pizza, nuggets, and never eat off the child's plate. Skip sweatpants bec. u tend to ignore the gradual weight increase when pants are expandable. Play w/ ur kids or other older kids-- dont put away the badminton as mochi and i have done, make extra effort by squeezing in evn 3 20-min. walks in a day.