clean (Wow! That sounds delicious. The fresher the meat, the better. I'm sure you are right about Oklahoma beef! 
Lol. I only just realised how many Creation ministries there are - I think you referenced at least 4 just then! Before that, I was struggling to differentiate between only two of them!
I didn't read any of Malcolm Bowden's books - just his videos. From memory, he doesn't have very nice things to say about Flat Earthers, so I haven't paid much attention to him of late (except when I need help revising Geocentrism/Flat Earth basics). That said, I don't think he's released anything new since the comments he made about Flat Earthers. He also has something about Christian psychiatry or something (!), but it sounded too weird, so I didn't read into it much. Probably cognitive dissonance - I distrust all psychiatrists (or is it psychologists?!?) equally, whether claiming to be Christian or no.
I'll have to have another read or watch of Rob Skiba's talk on prophecy and Nimrod etc. I think I saw something, but not too much - certainly not enough that I remember.
Speaking of William Cooper, have you noticed his striking resemblance to Alex Jones? I think William Cooper died (murdered?) and then Alex Jones popped up. I only ever read about William Cooper - he died sometime before I became a conspiracy theorist. But I thought it might be interesting, if you hadn't heard.
It seems like infiltration is everywhere, and not just in the church. The US election is a great example! Why bother conquering your enemies, if you can just convince them that they voted for you and therefore they've got to do what you tell them?
Possibly you keep a diary because it is a Captain (or Chieftess's) duty to maintain records of the adventures of ship, crew etc.? It is a great lure for wayward Whangdoodles. An entire contagion was disintegrated in your office last night... Whilst sneakily trying to to return the stolen diary, they accidentally happened upon a spare pair of "bloodless" defenestrating pliers, an accompanying stretch of defenestrating lasso and of course, your world-record breaking best-seller "How to defenestrate your Whangdoodles quickly, cleanly and cheaply - but unfortunately (for the Whangdoodles), not necessarily painlessly - for Dummies". Needless to say, the entire contagion disintegrated into an eye-catching display of coloured dust and fireworks at the raw terror so inspired.)
Lol. I only just realised how many Creation ministries there are - I think you referenced at least 4 just then! Before that, I was struggling to differentiate between only two of them!
I didn't read any of Malcolm Bowden's books - just his videos. From memory, he doesn't have very nice things to say about Flat Earthers, so I haven't paid much attention to him of late (except when I need help revising Geocentrism/Flat Earth basics). That said, I don't think he's released anything new since the comments he made about Flat Earthers. He also has something about Christian psychiatry or something (!), but it sounded too weird, so I didn't read into it much. Probably cognitive dissonance - I distrust all psychiatrists (or is it psychologists?!?) equally, whether claiming to be Christian or no.
I'll have to have another read or watch of Rob Skiba's talk on prophecy and Nimrod etc. I think I saw something, but not too much - certainly not enough that I remember.
Speaking of William Cooper, have you noticed his striking resemblance to Alex Jones? I think William Cooper died (murdered?) and then Alex Jones popped up. I only ever read about William Cooper - he died sometime before I became a conspiracy theorist. But I thought it might be interesting, if you hadn't heard.
It seems like infiltration is everywhere, and not just in the church. The US election is a great example! Why bother conquering your enemies, if you can just convince them that they voted for you and therefore they've got to do what you tell them?
Possibly you keep a diary because it is a Captain (or Chieftess's) duty to maintain records of the adventures of ship, crew etc.? It is a great lure for wayward Whangdoodles. An entire contagion was disintegrated in your office last night... Whilst sneakily trying to to return the stolen diary, they accidentally happened upon a spare pair of "bloodless" defenestrating pliers, an accompanying stretch of defenestrating lasso and of course, your world-record breaking best-seller "How to defenestrate your Whangdoodles quickly, cleanly and cheaply - but unfortunately (for the Whangdoodles), not necessarily painlessly - for Dummies". Needless to say, the entire contagion disintegrated into an eye-catching display of coloured dust and fireworks at the raw terror so inspired.)
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