I can't handle American movies anymore either. The same goes for American television. Generally, a waste of time.
if its rated G. I watched the Parent Trap the other day, although Id seen it before but it was a remake.
The original was cute, but the remake...boy did they go to town with the parents. The dad practically owns napa valley and the mother designs wedding gowns. even though she's divorced. Unbelievable.
I didnt even know there were just girls summer camps where children were left for 8 weeks on their own. Obviously for the elites.
Lindsay Lohan, cute, adorable, but again, you just know when she grows up shes going to get all edgy and into drugs as so many child stars did with too much fame too soon.
cant imagine my parents divorcing and splitting the family in half, then getting back together again. But the movie just made it seem like a minor inconvenience. After all, the dad had a nanny and the mum had a butler.
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