What are things you enjoy doing on Earth that you hope you'll still do in Heaven? And what's something you aren't able to do or have trouble doing that you hope you're able to do in Heaven?
I have not read the comments here, but I've been in similar threads, and many of the Christians commenting say that nothing but worshiping God is worth it. They also say that whatever it is, it's going to be perfect. These are not helpful responses as far as I'm concerned.
And honestly, I don't know if they're right or wrong,. I once had a worship session that I could have let go on for quite a while longer than it did. But...
If God is going to be providing us with a diverse existence in Heaven, which is what I do expect, I (presently) hope for...
1. Being able to pursue artistic endeavors, using the gifts He's given me to create things I never could on this side of things.
2. Not needing food or sex, but having both available to us.
3. Being able to explore the universe.
4. Being able to eternally preserve memories and things that are currently nostalgic to me, but I doubt this one more than the previous three things listed.