During difficult and dry seasons, it can be hard to actively seek after God. I tend to make it more into a chore, more of a ritual. And, I've never been like that. However, as of late, I've been going through that.
As I opened up my Bible today, God really led me to be silent with Him. His spoke to me and reminded who I was and made me realize why I fell in love with Him.
Know that I am God. Be in silence and know that I am yours. You are Mine. I have called you Mine. There is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. You are my child, and therefore, no condemnation is on your life, even if you condemn yourself."
I realized I have been
striving to make myself good in God's eyes. But the thing is: I've been made right with God already. Why the struggle anymore when I can just REST? When I can just be SILENT and be at PEACE, knowing that God conquered it all and that I have to do nothing to earn His approval and to earn righteousness when it was already been accomplished?