One thing I hate about my job is this: I have to say a lot of goodbyes. I hate goodbyes. In my line of work, people come in and people go out. You get close to people, then they leave. There's this guy and his wife who have served in Asia for quite some time through our organization. They came back to the states from Asia for the summer to do some support raising and to have their first child, and then would head back. I became pretty good friends with both of them. They are leaving on Monday and today was the last day I'd be with them at the office. As we were packing up our stuff, Nathan gave me this Asian candy as a "goodbye." I decided to take a picture of it because I was totally going to eat it, but I also wanted to document that I HAD MY FIRST ASIAN PIECE OF CANDY
Here it is. (And I will totally bawl my eyes out on Monday when they leave.)