That Canadian show host was pretty good and he had the style of Leno who asked pretty common questions and people had no clue. This is kinda what I’ve been saying in regards to the Internet. Stupid people have existed before, but on the internet, stupidity reaches a wider audience.
George W Bush was a hilarious segment on that show but he’s not exactly the representative of high IQ people. Lol.
The cherry on top was that Princeton professor.

Reminded me of “Dr” Fauci.
However, it was good to see the regular people who questioned things and detected that the host was trolling them.
Another actor who does this is Sacha Baron Cohen. His characters, starting with Ali G, are insane and I can’t believe how he even gets access to some high-profile people, trolls them, and they don’t even suspect anything. LOL. I think some of them might be in the game but it’s hard to tell.
That LEO movie was great too. Bill Burr, one of my favorite sort-of-dark humor comedian was there and they did some of that humor with helicopter parents and dumb facebook parents who want nothing to do with their children.
I also saw that you watched that My Octapus Teacher movie. My review of that movie is: A confused man in his mid-life crisis trying to find God but he’s not there yet.