When you drive up north to the Vermont / Canadian border you're welcomed with a very friendly Canadian agent who also says "Welcome to Canada". There are signs after you cross the border which also say "Welcome to Canada" and also explain to tourists the difference in the measuring systems from miles to kilometers. There are also kiosks, right at the border which can exchange US dollar into Canadian dollar.
When you come back into USA from Canada, there's no welcome sign or anything, no speed limits for a few miles - it's like you don't know where you're going. Then i also asked the American border agent "excuse me do you know where i can exchange some money?" and he said " i dunno i'm not a bank". I said " i know you're not a bank but do you know of any banks around here?" - "i dunno" - he said.
Basically: Welcome home jerk!
Murica - take it or leave it. It's an acquired taste.

Another day i'll share with you a New England hospitality and Southern Hospitality story.