Blueladybug, I just had a prayer upon my heart for you tonight!
Your heart is reaching out in a supernatural way to touch the Lord and receive that
natural healing for your body that you desperately need! You also have a inside need
that you need him to heal as well! I don't know what it is, but feel that you have
been hurt and wounded in the inside and need the Tender Loving hands of the Lord Jesus
to surround your wounded heart and make it whole as well!....Amen
Some times a wounded and broken spirit can be the root of a hurting ailment
for years! I'm going to pray that the Love and power of the Holy Ghost will take
care of both of these problems as he wrapps his tender hands OF Love around you and comforts you!
Well God Bless You Blueladybug, and I pray that You will have thanks again for your Friendship,
and know that I'm always here to talk to!