Blue_ladybug, you cracked me up!!! LOLOL!!!
Just to reassure you, I and all of my siblings, as well as my three adult children are definitely cat people. Which leads me to a story I will now share with you...
When my children were young, we adopted an orange tabby named Chessie. He had been declawed on all 4 paws so we kept him indoors for his own safety. Nevertheless, he ventured outdoors whenever he got the chance.
My kids & I would dress him in various tee-shirts because he seemed to enjoy the fuss over him. I found a baby tee-shirt at a thrift shop that had a picture of Jesus and the words, "I Believe" silk-screened onto it. One day while wearing this shirt, Chessie got himself outdoors and along came a huge black tomcat growling and threatening our sweet kitty. We were so afraid that the tomcat would put a hurting on our beloved pet that we tried to intervene. But before we were able to get to Chessie, he jumped onto the tomcat like a WWF stunt and immediately wrestled him onto his back. The screaming & screeching was ear-piercing and the tomcat's black fur was a-flying as Chessie bit and tore into him like he was a cat-nip toy! The tomcat finally got loose and took off running for his life. When we brought Chessie back into the house, we had to extract black fur from his teeth! He even had a claw from the tomcat stuck in his head. Other than that, he was none the worse for it.
Afterward, we took a black magic marker and wrote on the tee-shirt under the words "I Believe" : "
I'm going to kick your butt!" We never feared letting Chessie outdoors after that.