Aggregate demand though dictates it's own economic structure. For instance to go backwards in economic value those who make 1,250.00 per month currently on S.S. will need to only receive 180- 200.00 per month in an economy where bread is .10 a loaf and gasoline is .20 a gallon if not they will be over paid. All peoples in the US will need a reduction in wages and so those currently making 25-30 dollars an hour will need to be reduced to 1.35-1.80 an hour in wages. Then and only then will the economy reverse it's inflation. the only way to achieve this is to crumble the existing economy by first causing a massive inflation and then it will fall into a depression.
The mass firings and tariffs seem senseless at the moment but they will cause the value of finances to fall world wide as the worlds markets begin to follow. Afterwards those economies where their citizens can live on less than a dollar per day and those whose citizens make several hundred dollars per day will balance the workers wages into one common value world wide. There is only one way to cause this which is to intentionally crumble the economy by causing a market crash. No people will endorse this in a nation regardless of political affiliation they will simply vote against who ever suggest it. This being the case it's best to just take those actions and try to prepare the people's mindset in that there will be sacrifices that need to be made to achieve this end goal.
In the same aggregate economic approach there are benefits for both the rich and the poor. For the poor they will in the end be in an economy where they will be quite comfortable living on 2-300.00 per month because the aggregate demand of goods will be much more affordable. As for the rich their finances will become of greater value because if they can purchase this much for a million dollars today they will be able to purchase several times more with the same million dollars when bread is .10 a loaf. In this power struggle one of the political parties will rise in dominance after the fall. The one political party is content to continue in the path of inflation today to collect as much wealth as possible to remain in power in that day, while the other is ready to proceed because they feel comfortable that they will be the dominate power financially if it is done now.