We need to stand firm and be stronge in our Faith, and in our Father's love.
There are those in collages and other places, that are recruiting people to join the forces of fighting against Christians. Their aim is to brain wash them from the truth, and to eventually lead them down the path, to become suicide bombers, thinking they are doing a rightous thing.
Stand firm in our faith, as the devil is launching heavy artillery against the believers, with name calling of believers, twisting the scriptures, and even quoting them as satan did in the desert to Jesus.
There is an uprise in suicides that could desensitise other's to act out in a way to join the terrorist groups, as thinking this act is not a sin, and on the contrary a reward.
Prayer is our connection to the creator, as it is not allowed, neither the bible, in many places, there is a vast emptyness, and darkness that the younger generation is entering in. Satan is using the tool of the iphones, to post bullying, sex images, and violent and hatefull things.
When it seems it won't get any worse, it will, so be on quard, and don't enter into the darkness, it will try to dim the light.
God is called the most high
Wickedness is called it is in high places, fighting against the believers, for the kingdom of God is within us.
He tries to invade our lives, with lies.
Be aware, and pray always.