Hi. My name is Lynn. I am so not into fitness. Never have been. Never want to.
BUT, got a problem now, and I'm wondering if this is a good place to ask? It is about exercising, but not the type of exercising that will make me thin and trim. The type that supposedly is going to keep me walking a little longer in the future. I'm just not all that sure it is helping, so I'm asking if anyone knows enough about muscles and skeletal structure to be able to explain the "why?" for me.
And if you don't know, that's fine. Because just the concept I want to ask people this question means I'm clueless too. I'm really asking if anyone understands enough about exercising that I can ask a body-mechanics question. (And I'm asking on here, instead of the health forum, so I don't end up getting recommendations for all sorts of herbs, supplements, and quackery solutions like it seems to happen on the health forum.)
"No" is an acceptable answer. If I didn't expect No, I wouldn't be asking if I can ask. lol