Tick tock tick tock
No booze nor baby in sight
12:00 noon on the face of the clock
No baby to waterboard
No ale to drink, egad what a fright
He staggers through town
Upon his face a ghastly frown
In hopes of finding a baby, a beer
Something, someone he hope comes his way
To set at ease his mind in malady
He hunts high and low
And also in between
He finds he takes a woman's baby
Whilst sitting on her knees.
He drinks an ale a glass of wine too
I'll show them foolish Baptists
Waterboarding babies
Is what we Presbyterian do
He's caught by the local authority
Placed in jail then on trial
Found guilty of drunkenness and kidnapping
His sentence the cruelest of sorts
To walk without baby or beer 10,000 miles
In nothing but his undershorts
The sentence twas hard but back in that day
Courts were stern with the sentences they gave
We don't care how you act in your church
In public you act up, we'll bodily hurt
The old divine made it to the end of his street
Before collapsing and giving up the ghost
10,000 steps he could not take
He tripped and fell hitting his head on the lamp post
The moral of the story tis wise to heed
Your ale and baby best not be your innermost need
You'll end up like the old divine
Dead at the end of the homeless soup line
Those drunken bums...