Thank you. That's Step 1! And now a daily meditation from our neighbors up north. Partners in Hope, Vancouver BC.
Planning gives us peace in our hearts knowing that we have reviewed the specifics of how to get to where we are going and what we need to get there. For instance, when we plan a hike, we decide the place we want to visit and determine whether the terrain is suitable to our physical fitness. We want to ensure we are wearing the right footwear and clothes for the journey and have informed someone where we are going. It is also wise when we are travelling to a place for the first time to consult with a person that has been that way before and has some knowledge of what lies ahead.
Plans fail without good advice. But they succeed when there are many advisers. (Proverbs 15:22 NIRV)
When we are travelling the road to recovery, we also need to make plans for those things that will get us to our destination. We need to work hard to be spiritually fit to navigate the road ahead. We need to seek advise on how to avoid the pitfalls of temptation. It is helpful to have a sponsor who knows the road ahead and can advise us on what is likely to happen.
Let us act as we should, like people living in the daytime. Have nothing to do with wild parties, and don’t get drunk. Don’t take part in sexual sins or evil conduct. Don’t fight with each other or be jealous of anyone. Instead, put on the Lord Jesus Christ as if he were your clothing. Don’t think about how to satisfy sinful desires. (Romans 13:13-14 NIRV)
It is wise to plan ahead and determine what we will do when we are challenged in our journey. Sinful desires and overwhelming obsessions may war against our mind and our body, but if we seek Jesus to help us, He will act on our behalf.
But because Jesus lives forever, his priesthood lasts forever. Therefore he is able, once and forever, to save those who come to God through him. He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf. (Hebrews 7:24-25 NLT)
Prayer: Lord Jesus, I know my flesh is weak therefore, I ask You to help me plan for victory when I am tempted to give up. Amen
©2020 Partners in Hope
Planning gives us peace in our hearts knowing that we have reviewed the specifics of how to get to where we are going and what we need to get there. For instance, when we plan a hike, we decide the place we want to visit and determine whether the terrain is suitable to our physical fitness. We want to ensure we are wearing the right footwear and clothes for the journey and have informed someone where we are going. It is also wise when we are travelling to a place for the first time to consult with a person that has been that way before and has some knowledge of what lies ahead.
Plans fail without good advice. But they succeed when there are many advisers. (Proverbs 15:22 NIRV)
When we are travelling the road to recovery, we also need to make plans for those things that will get us to our destination. We need to work hard to be spiritually fit to navigate the road ahead. We need to seek advise on how to avoid the pitfalls of temptation. It is helpful to have a sponsor who knows the road ahead and can advise us on what is likely to happen.
Let us act as we should, like people living in the daytime. Have nothing to do with wild parties, and don’t get drunk. Don’t take part in sexual sins or evil conduct. Don’t fight with each other or be jealous of anyone. Instead, put on the Lord Jesus Christ as if he were your clothing. Don’t think about how to satisfy sinful desires. (Romans 13:13-14 NIRV)
It is wise to plan ahead and determine what we will do when we are challenged in our journey. Sinful desires and overwhelming obsessions may war against our mind and our body, but if we seek Jesus to help us, He will act on our behalf.
But because Jesus lives forever, his priesthood lasts forever. Therefore he is able, once and forever, to save those who come to God through him. He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf. (Hebrews 7:24-25 NLT)
Prayer: Lord Jesus, I know my flesh is weak therefore, I ask You to help me plan for victory when I am tempted to give up. Amen
©2020 Partners in Hope
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