Carljoe this is my rest day (Saturday here). Please send me CC mail in the forum and I'll check on it Sunday or Monday.
hey robo, its still the same thing and I asked my friend to get on her computer and get on CC thru there and she said it worked fine. Idk if my ip address got blocked/banned by mistake or what
Our chat app is flash based. If any other applications (e.g., Skype) are using your webcam, Flash won't be able to access it. I'm assuming it's the same with the microphone.
So make sure that no other applications are using your mic.
So I try my mic on this program but its not working. But my mic works on like skype or msn... Just this chat..What do i do?
Sharp: I have no idea why it is doing that -- sounds like a bug in the forum software. We do hope/plan to upgrade to the latest greatest version soon, but it costs some money and it will take a lot of work to redo our customizations in the new version.
Anyway what web browser and operating system are you using?
hello RoboOp, can i ask some help from you? thank you :-)
I am having some technical problems with CC and I was hoping you'd be able to help me???
Every time I try to post something in the "quick reply" box at the bottom of a thread, a message pops up telling me I do not have the authority to do this, and logs me out of the site. I can only reply to threads by clicking the reply button which takes you to a separate page.
The same thing happens when I try to approve friend requests, or post public messages on people's profile pages. I keep getting logged out.
Are you sure that you're logged into the forum when you do try to enter the chat room? I mean if you left the forum page open for many hours and then came back to it to try to launch the chat room then your login session may have expired. I don't know if this is the problem but just saying first of all make sure you have an active login session in the forum.
Hi RoboOp, I seem to be having trouble logging into the chat room. I repeatedly get the message: "Access Denied". What do you suggest I do about this? Thx!
i put the wrong yr of birth on my profile how do i change it