I just wanted to give you a little encouragement and say thanks for this site. It is such an encouragement to me... keep up the great work! :)
Sir, how do i work the webcam thing? I know that i have to choose the webcam option, but after that, I get lost.
Hi,am moses from Kenya n very new here?
Hey RoboOp, I just have a very small question concerning Bible Study Chat room... I know people enter the room to reach out to other christians, but lately as I've seen it's become a "lounge" room and I really am curious as to what happened to Bible Study... I haven't anything against anyone, I am just wondering if Bible Study Room in the Chat area is becoming more of a Lounge instead of what the title of the chat is? Thanks... Sorry to bother ya with something so small... I was just curious.
avinu for every person who says he shouldn't be allowed, there are those who say he should be allowed...It's a tough balancing act.
Avinu: If you see an inappropriate post, simply use the report button to report it -- there's a report button on every post. It will be instantly automatically sent to the mod team.
Shalom, I was just wondering why someone like Fact, who is a professed non-christian, is allowed in here? We have young baby believers who need nutured, and don't need someone like this, calling the Bible perverse and a lie. Just curious, thank you. Avinu
Hi, how do i delete my account?
the messGE IS: You are using a registared nick name:( It syill won't let me in chat
Reinitin asked me to have you message her. She cannot sign in with her new computer and needs your help.
what does you are usinf a registared nickname mean? It won't let me sign into chat. then it auto banned me. then stilly unbanned me. now it is giving me that message again and I don't want to keep trying my password and get auto banned for flooding again:( can you help me? I miss my CC friends and would love to be able to get back in the chat room.
Hello Mr. Robo. I am here for yet, Another name change. lol. I paid the 5 dollars, so next time your on, you can delete this name. Thanks. May God Bless you Today. :)
Cheryle the system accidentally banned you for auto flooding. The ban is lifted so you should be able to get in now.
When I try to sign in I get a message that says I was banned. I know I have not done anythiing wronglease. Would you please fix this for me. Thank you Cheryle
SweetSarah was harrassing me, telling me she wants a boyfriend, that her mom told her to come to the chatroom to look for a boyfriend. I told her I was 28; she is under-age. She didn't listen. What ever sweetsarah is, I don't know, and what ever she is trying to do, I don't know. Just thought I'd report it.
Hey, I'm lovejesuschrist I was wonder, if someone want to quit, but they have lot friends, how would he or she tell their friend that you're quitting, and still want to be in teach?