a guy called natman09 is seriously trolling in the lounge. i dont expect that sort of behaviour on here ... just saying. I think he thinks he's funny; I find him a bit puerile.
Then you'll see the youtube search results in the frame on the right.
Then click the one you want to play, and it will play for the whole room. (But it won't play if there's a video currently playing.)
Hello hope all is well.Im Robert.Question.How does the you tube room work?.I cannot load any music;ive tried numerous times,to no avail.I was informed to contact you from 1 still_waters,as you control the coding.I have to get others to load music for me.Please help.Thank you.64 amazing.
I saw on my paypal account that for some reason my regular contribution had been canceled. I don't understand that. There was money in that account and there was no reason for it to not go through or be cancelled. Anyway, just wanted to let you know.l
RoboOp, Sorry Brother, internet connection problems, then had to watch music video twice and then access denied. Ok now. Just did not want you to think I just left, You had asked a question but I could no respond back. Hope next time , all will be working. May God Bless you and family.
heloo.. i amhaving a problem with an account.. i have previous account that i forgot it's nickname and password.. can you do something about it sir? it sounds like God's princess or princess of the most high God. thanks. :D Godbless.
hi roboop. i will be not longer using this account. can you please disable it? thanks
hi roboop.. i will no longer use this account.. so can you please help me on disabling it.. thanks.. God bless
Still cant on chat\
Just sayin' hi, and thanks for ^^ that pic. Those beautiful children always make me smile. :)
(can I have them? lol)
robo still cant get into chat room says im still banned wont accept username or password is there anything i can do gbu n your family
Abing! Great to see you sister. Regards to Cely and your papa and your sister :)
RoboOp! Finally had the time to visit this site again. Glad to see so many people here now. :-)
Robo I love your site but your members not so much, they don't feel very welcoming, they not only treat greedo1138 and I like outsiders, there has been alot of new comers have tryed joining in and finally get fed up and either just leave or goto another room basicaly looking for a more friendly room. I want to bring this to your attention becase we all need to feel welcome on cc. Love the room and all you do for it otherwise