Recent content by EddieM

  1. E

    Understanding God’s election

    Another speculation not based on a serious study of these words used in OT and NT. There is absolutely no support for your statement about God unilaterally choosing man in the NT. Election does not refer to salvation but to service, in both the NT and OT. Show me one verse in the Bible that...
  2. E

    Understanding God’s election

    I already answered this in an earlier post. You are speculation on a definition of chosen, one that i demonstrated earlier
  3. E

    Understanding God’s election

    The only problem with this is you have not defined choose? Defining chosen is what the issue is all about. What is your definition of chosen and then I will tell you what is difficult
  4. E

    Understanding God’s election

    notice that none of these references is to Salvation.
  5. E

    Understanding God’s election

    Where are we chosen? We are chosen"in him." We are not chosen 'outside of him.' It was the plan that was chosen before the foundation, not the individual. Notice we were chosen so that (purpose clause) we should be holy and without blame... notice the purpose of election deals with...
  6. E

    Understanding God’s election

    I guess Adam either had free will or he wasn't one of God's elect. He may have had both or neither. Just remember election has nothing to do with salvation. There is not one instance where election refers to eternal salvation and there are several uses in which election is used for unbelievers.
  7. E

    The problem of the statement of “never saved to begin with”

    The Greek present tense indicates a continuing action, something that happens continuously or repeatedly, or something that is in the process of happening. If you are not lazy, you should read the two books i recommended (in Greek). That way you will not have to look up someone on the internet...
  8. E

    The problem of the statement of “never saved to begin with”

    Why ask others to help you understand Greek, learn it yourself so you don't have to be a parrot and repeat what others say. It will take some time, but you will be able to become a serious Bible student and not be dependent on others to teach you. I have translated most of the epistle to the...
  9. E

    The problem of the statement of “never saved to begin with”

    If you can read Greek why don't you read the book of Acts and take note of each Present Tense verb to see if what Dr. Bechtle says is true. For a little older Greek, read Isaiah in the LXX.
  10. E

    The problem of the statement of “never saved to begin with”

    That is not true. Many other grammatical intrusion need to be present for the concept of continuing in the faith. The present tense does not make a statement about the future.
  11. E

    The problem of the statement of “never saved to begin with”

    I can think of several believers who continued in sin until they died. For instance, The guy who was having an affair with his stepmother, Paul told them to excommunicate this guy, or as he put, turn him over to Satan. John talks about those who commit the sin unto death. Paul also thought of...
  12. E

    The problem of the statement of “never saved to begin with”

    Those who think the believer can cease from sinning and based it on these verses are not familiar with the grammar of NT Greek
  13. E

    The problem of the statement of “never saved to begin with”

    Are you proficient in Koine Greek? Yes
  14. E

    The problem of the statement of “never saved to begin with”

    All the language variables through the centuries of translation and versions,that's an interesting stance. i don't find translations and versions very helpful. I have the CT (Critical Text) Greek New Testament. Are you telling me that you use English translations to study the New Testament?
  15. E

    The problem of the statement of “never saved to begin with”

    All the language variables through the centuries of translation and versions,that's an interesting stance. i don't find translations and versions very helpful. I have the CT (Critical Text) Greek New Testament. Are you telling me that you use English translations to study the Bible?