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  • "The reason people will accept a lie or a myth sooner than the Truth is that if they accept the Truth then they must also accept the responsibilities that the Truth attends."
    THINK ABOUT IT!! It affects every thing we do in life.
    ~Thought for today~
    "I am thankful my 'dark' side is but a memory."
    ~Thank God~
    "Love and respect never goes out of style, so we thought."
    ~Thought for today~
    "A negative mind will never give you a positive life."
    ~Thought for today~
    "It is inconceivable to think we can even come close to living our life
    accordingly, as 'scripture' is fundamentally out of the realm of the
    materialistic world of the 'man-mind. Spiritual 'awareness' allows us
    to find a deeper in depth meaning of life here in the now."
    ~Thought for today~
    "Living with God in that quiet place of the spirit will have a deep sense of satisfaction."
    'Praise God'
    "A spiritual well being is an unseen joy within."
    'Praise God'
    "A spiritual analysis is recommended before ones life is distorted by
    worldly deception."
    ~Thought for today~
    "Let us not be deceived by our intellectual ego, and to know a spiritual awakening
    is beyond our 'man-mind' illusion."
    ~Thought for today~
    "Imagine if the *GOVERNMENT* gave 'US' the same support they give to other countries. Sad isn't it?"
    ~Thought for today~
    "Don't put the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket--keep it in your own."
    ~Thought for today~
    "In God's care, we must learn life is not always what we want, but accept things
    we can't change, and change the things we can. We shall be responsible
    of our attitude and behavior."
    ~Thought for today~
    "Being conformed to untold 'worldly' deception has orchestrated a profound
    'Christian' fragmentation."
    ~Thought for today~
    "Knowing and applying God's 'principles' of living life in the now,
    shall enhance our harmony with a restless world we live in."
    ~Thought for today~
    'Learning to apply your knowledge shall be evident in your own life,
    where it counts more than telling how much you know."
    ~Thought for today~
    "Rejoice, knowing of God's 'presence' shall have everlasting joy, here in the now."
    'Praise God'
    "Be all you want to be, and know you can be all you want to be.
    Having God's 'presence' along the way will 'light' the path."
    ~Thought for today~
    "Prayer, with the right attitude often helps us see our shortcomings.
    And with a spiritual attitude, life here in the now has new meaning and purpose."
    'Praise God'
    "Right thinking comes about when spiritually motivated."
    ~Thought for today~
    "It's not how much you know, but what you do with what you do know."
    ~Thought for today~
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