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"I came...I came to...I came to believe."
~Praise God~
"If something can't be simply explained, you may be out of your element."
~Thought for today~
"To act upon the Divine words, to put into action what is read. The Divine words come
alive when put into practice."
~Thought for today~
"Spiritual discernment is important in every area of our lives."
~Thought for today~
"And, the 'adversary' shall appear with great wonders of foolishness."
~Thought for now~
"Sound words to ponder...many are called, few are chosen."
~Thought for today~
"When not able to benefit from constructive criticism, perhaps one should not criticize to begin with."
~Thought for today~
"A miracle would be any beneficial event...
such as God's Spirit coming upon troubled lives."
'Praise God'
"Reality, the sum of all that is real or existent within a system, as opposed to that which is only
~Thought for today~
"One must wonder, those who claim to serve God.....where have they gone?"
~Thought for today~
"Let us be ever mindful, it is not so much what has been read, but what is done with what has been read."
~Ponder this carefully~
'Let us be reminded, peace and happiness is an inside job."
~Thought for today~
"Life is only a reflection of what we allow ourselves to see."
~Thought for today~
"Principles before personalities relates to integrity."
~Thought for today~
"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."
~Thought to ponder~
'Speculation will always give way to grave errors, and undo consequences."
~Thought for today~
"Perhaps some leave because they are out of their element, that being of serving God."
~Thought for today~
"Many would perhaps be more in tune with God, if more focus were on applying what is read.'"
~Thought to ponder~
"Abundant life refers to life in its abounding fullness of joy and strength for mind, body, and less."
~Thought for today~
"Let us be reminded, lost souls require spiritual guidance. Many are confused by
intellectual worldly illusions. And, beginners usually don't adhere well to advanced 'courses'
by proclaimed 'scholars' is to precious to lose a lost soul."
~Thought for today~