"The epidemic at hand is production and consumption of meaningless and insignificant things that do not enhance continuation of the human network. The continuation of the human network is fueled by knowledge and wisdom. Social media maladies are spread by not knowing or not using knowledge wisely."
"When a user's profile is unavailable, so be perhaps God's love, wisdom and the Holy Spirit...unavailable to reach. Transparency being a unity of hope and faith within God's circle...or not."
Hey man, you have 6,666 posts as of 1:49 pm CST on January 22nd, 2023. You might want to make that a more holy number by posting 1,111 more posts soon. :) Also, cool profile sir.
"And a man said to the other; I don't have time to help you stay spiritually sick...but if you want to get better,
I'd be glad to offer help."
"The man helped went on to be of great spiritual influence of millions of lives in over thirty countries since 1939 and counting!
“As long as I am acting in a loving and caring manner, I am not responsible for how others react. This frees me from pleasing people at my own emotional expense.”
"In time a thread may become worn out and may require being replaced or renewed with better quality
material in hope of retaining integrity of the intended outfit, and/or whatever else."