

Sounds like a blast! Comerica Park is one of the best venues in MLB.

They have a craft beer stand over by the amusement park. Always have to enjoy a few IPAs when I go to a game...

Our team has either been great hitting 5+ homers in one game or we suck (more the case) and can't even score a f'ing run. Very frustrating to watch--so happy NCAA and NFL has kicked into action!

Deer camp starts tonight at my dads' place (early youth hunt this weekend and early doe season next). Bow season begins Oct. 1.

Fall is my favorite time of year!!!
Sounds like a blast! Comerica Park is one of the best venues in MLB.

They have a craft beer stand over by the amusement park. Always have to enjoy a few IPAs when I go to a game...

Our team has either been great hitting 5+ homers in one game or we suck (more the case) and can't even score a f'ing run. Very frustrating to watch--so happy NCAA and NFL has kicked into action!

Deer camp starts tonight at my dads' place (early youth hunt this weekend and early doe season next). Bow season begins Oct. 1.

Fall is my favorite time of year!!!
That is awesome about deer camp. I love how pretty fall is in Ohio. I think it's the prettiest season, although I prefer to be in my bikini in the summer as far as temperature is concerned.
Fall colors are incredible here too--a lot of hardwoods and beautiful red maples, Stunning.

And, being out in the woods in a comfortable stand taking all of it in--a slice of heaven.

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