I was looking for a liquid formula when I found the Miracle2000, for its absorbable properties. Its effects were immediately noticeable in comparison to tablets or even gummies. I stir it into a couple of gulps of juice and it doesn't have that taste of vitamins, and I find it precious enough that I'll swipe if it off the threads of the bottle with my finger so as not to waste even a drop. And if my kids every bring up being worn down I'll offer them a dose and they've never declined it. It' pulls me up quickly if I notice I might be sliding toward the sickbed.
And coincidentally, just yesterday one of my dils asked me about the magnesium aloe I'd gotten for their medicine cabinet so I gather that she must've used it up and found that she missed it.
I also keep coconut oil in stock but I havent really used it much since I overdid it one time when I added it to my coffee. Two of the best cups I remember having but, one cup toot many. Boy! That worked out like lightning to purge my intestines!

And there's the myrrh oil I keep in stock also, for the most persistent aches and such things as migraines (haven't had any of those in quite some time though). I don't use it that much either but just knowing it's there just in case comforts me, and I will use the coconut oil as a carrier when applying that.