hi there.. I am new to this but wanted to share that altho the Lord healed me completely of arthritis inmy shoulder many years ago ( and it has never returned) I slowly developed naggin pains in other parts of my body ( old age arthritis) and also I had a lot of weight gain and varicose veins. I found a video called Gary Yourofsky's Best Ever Speech which was very long ( an hour!!) but also very interesting and watchable- and it talked about why we shouldn't eat the products of crutley because that is the same as supporting the crutley so they can do it again. I could see as a christian that going vegan was a very good thing... and guess what ? the arthritis went, the varicse veins went and the weight just disappeared. My ehalth is so good now, for which I thank God every day because I am eating the diet that He gave us in the garden of Eden and also is anticipated in Scripture-tha the Lion will lie down with the lamb. so please watch Gary Yourofsky's Best Ever Speech on Youtube and after you are saddened by what goes on, then pick yourself up and choose to change for a much healthier way--- it will win you frineds who are vegan and also love animals and it makes us a much BETTER witness for Christ ( because it shows we care and have love, real love, not just words) as well as great health. THEN.. here is the good bit... you will find AMAZING recipes for delicious brilliant food all over the internet. There are brilliant vegan webistes everywhere. There are also christian-vegan facebook pages. google it and find out. You will be sooo thankful to God that He has provided an answer to our health needs... you will be quite amazed at the changes,.....I can testify that yes, it is true, that God DOES heal instantly and miraculously, but He also GIVES us what we need for health in nutrition... I highly recommend this wonderful way of living..... God bless

ps kids love it.....