

Friendly visit :)
One time we were hiking in the mountains (my husband, my daughter and I) and we heard a noise in the brush off to the side of the trail we were hiking on.

We stopped and waited and a couple minutes later a deer came out of the brush followed by two fawns.

We were amazed. I think what we heard were the doe feeding her two fawns. They scampered across the trail and went off into the wilderness.
S nice is that your backyard, the woods are nice .....praise God for His creation.....
One time we were hiking in the mountains (my husband, my daughter and I) and we heard a noise in the brush off to the side of the trail we were hiking on.

We stopped and waited and a couple minutes later a deer came out of the brush followed by two fawns.

We were amazed. I think what we heard were the doe feeding her two fawns. They scampered across the trail and went off into the wilderness.
Yes as it turns out they are quite friendly here over by us they'll come up to your car they are in our yards and yes they eat our bushes but still fun to have around :)

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