
New shirt, new me.

such a pretty shirt, looks great on you......
but more important A BEAUTIFUL SMILE!
Hello shine your loght, your name fits your very pretty face, eyes and smile. I also enjoy when ppl share personal photos. I think it is a sweet blessing. Thank you. God Bless.
Oh, thanks! Same! Are those typically your favorite colors?
Most of my closet is black. Having to combine clothes annoys me, lol. But petroleum green actually is my most favorite green. It does not scream "grass" like some others and actually has more of a classy, jewel-y vibe to it.
Most of my closet is black. Having to combine clothes annoys me, lol. But petroleum green actually is my most favorite green. It does not scream "grass" like some others and actually has more of a classy, jewel-y vibe to it.
Haha, my wardrobe used to be all black. Once I lost over 100 pounds, I started mixing it up :)
I am good, thanks for asking. This weekend...just coaching volleyball, working, grandchildren and church, yay. How about you shiney one?
I'm about to go grocery shopping, but have plans with friends tomorrow to grab sushi! How many grandchildren do you have? Sounds like an eventful weekend!

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