41366336_2292796127414101_7200848735755042816_o (1).jpg

  • Sherril
My husband and i went with 2 friends to a 1,500 acre ranch there family had built it way back in 1955 there were about 40 horses.....what a wonderful time it was so fun and nice be be by these awesome beautiful creations of God....we gave them carrots.....happy horses...that 1 horse was not being very nice...bad horse .....lol
What a blessing. Fifteen hundred acres to care for. And horses too. Awesome.
yes my friends dad and family built it up, now it belongs to the boy scouts, but my friends family still go there and use it anytime.....yes they are truly blessed...they do have cabins and yurts there to camp in also and 4 small lakes...
yes my friends dad and family built it up, now it belongs to the boy scouts, but my friends family still go there and use it anytime.....yes they are truly blessed...they do have cabins and yurts there to camp in also and 4 small lakes...
Glorious for your friends and horses are always a plus. I went to visit horses I know today. Two yearlings and three new mares. There's something about a horse.

Sad though how far the Boy scouts have fallen. :( But, horses! Yay!

And the little donkey in the midst of them never gets old. So precious. He's a buddy.

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41366336_2292796127414101_7200848735755042816_o (1).jpg
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