Thank you for the kind words Itore.
You hear the saying, "You complete me". I know there are many who disagree
with the statement that a man can complete you. While I think the only one
who will ever complete me is God, I think we still can compliment each other.
I don't mean in a verbal way. They say opposites attract and I have to say
that I don't want a man who is the male version of myself. I want a man
who is my other half. When I am emotional, I want him to be able to be
calm. When I want to be busy, I want him to be able to remind me to slow
down sometimes. When I see only as far as my heart will let me, I want him
to be able to remind me to look at the whole picture.
I said this all in support of your last post, Itore:
"One thing I loved about my ex-wife was that in so many ways she was different from me...areas I was weak she was strong in."