I want to affirm what has already been said about BE YOURSELF! You cant be anyone else, if you try, you will be phony. RELAX. Yes, ask questions, but not yes or no, ones that start with who, what, where, when, why and how....these are key in getting to know ANYONE. (Be careful not to make it sound like an interview though!) I can only speak for myself when I say - NO to weird, cheesy and sometimes downright strange pick up lines. Girls (generally speaking) look for someone who will listen to them bleat on...and sometimes on...and sometimes on some more! By listening, I actually mean taking notice too, cos girls are good at checking just to make sure you heard them! Lastly, YES, (this girl at least) PREFERS guys making the first move....initating conversation...asking out...whatever.
ALL THE BEST GUYS!! ABOVE ALL THESE THINGS - SEEK GOD, because there is nothing more attractive to a Christian girl than a guy who has his eyes firmly fixed on the Lord!