I know how. God came to me, changed my mind and heart, and thus my will was changed. Instead of being opposed to the gospel, I received it with gladness and believed on the Lord Jesus Christ. Admittingly, I didn't understand all that had happened until much later. At the time I simply knew that my life had been forever changed. I knew I was forgiven and wanted to know all I could about this God who saved me.
Did you feel His changing your mind was an irresistible force that made you follow Him? Other people were able to resist Him though and refused His free gift. How come God couldn't change their mind and heart?
At the heart of it, we should accept that God gave us free will and should accept the responsibility that comes with it, including having made the decision to follow Jesus and get saved.
Because when we all stand before God, all the people who didn't make it will try to blame God, but God will show them what it is in their heart and mind and they'll see it was their decision to make. God will rightfully not feel at all like He was at fault for them going to hell.
There's also a reason why there is weeping and gnashing of teeth in hell - it's because all the people sent there regret the free-will decisions and choices they made.