I am watching and studying the word. For some reason most of Christianity is afraid to touch this subject so I have had to do most of my studying on my own though there are a few others who are doing the same.
I don't see anything wrong with making an educated guess based on my study. Instead I view this the same way Thomas Edison did, he didn't make 99 mistakes, he simply found 99 things that didn't work.
But the longer I have been doing this study the more disgusted I become with some so called Christians. They attack anyone who is watching even though we are commanded to do that. Then they insult, mock and ridicule anyone who refuses to obey their command to stop watching, anyone who chooses to obey the Lord Jesus rather than their attempt to usurp His authority. They also try to put words into your mouth, and their hypocrisy is out for all to see. They claim to believe in the imminence of the Lord's return, they say He could return any time and that you should be ready at any time. So when I say I think His return could be any day now it is no different from what they say and yet somehow they want to throw stones and condemn me for saying that.
Also their ignorance is astounding. They have no idea what the criteria are for a false prophet. That is the most stunning discovery I have made seeing how dangerous that is in these days. Christianity doesn't want to touch this topic about the rapture, maybe that is not so bad. But to not have everyone fully aware of what the New Testament teaches about a false prophet, that is reprehensible.
So then let's hit a few key points. Being mocked and ridiculed for some word you speak from the Bible, that is fine. That is not in any way indicative of a false prophet, on the contrary that was how genuine prophets are treated. Obviously not proof of a genuine prophet, but not a red flag either. On the other hand we are told clearly by Peter that false prophets will make merchandise of you. So having a salary for what they say, selling books, or in any other way making money from their ministry is a red flag. Again, not proof of a false prophet, Paul said you don't muzzle the ox that treads out the corn, but if someone is a false prophet they will be trying to make money from it. That is a key criteria. They bring in damnable heresies, that is different from "heresies". Anyone who teaches the Bible teaches "heresies", the word simply means a school of thought. Terms like Evangelical or conservative christian are "schools of thought". Damnable heresies deny an item of the faith, even the Lord who bought them. It is amazing to me how widespread these damnable heresies are in Christianity. For example, many teach that Jesus opens the first seal of the scroll in heaven, releasing the rider on the white horse, at the start of the seven year tribulation. But if that doctrine were true it means that for the last two thousand years no one has been worthy to open the scrolls. It also means that Jesus Christ has not been sitting on the throne for the last two thousand years. In fact, this doctrine is what Islam teaches about the Mahdi, saying Jesus was a prophet but he failed, and so they are waiting for the Messiah to still come. This doctrine is blasphemy against the Lord Jesus Christ and is a damnable heresy, and yet it is common among all these Christians throwing stones at others desperately trying to find a false prophet. But hold on, these denominational churches have FreeMasons on the board of directors, that means they are unequally yoked with unbelievers all for money, huge red flag, they are paid, another red flag, they teach damnable heresies another red flag, and they beat their fellow servants who are watching for the Lord's return, another red flag! There you go, if you want to throw stones at false prophets you have hundreds you can hit.